Foot reflexology has a long history of carrying out treatment primarily based on the principle of stimulating the acupuncture points. According to TCM principles, the parts of the foot have direct connections to the 5 viscera and 6 bowels of the body. This is why there are more than 60 acupuncture points on our feet and massaging the reflexive acupuncture points of these organs or glands can drastically stimulate the reflexive regions of each of these parts to achieve the healthcare effects of prevention of illnesses.
Massaging the acupuncture points of the feet can enable the body to eliminate bodily wastes and toxins through the mechanism of metabolism. At the same time, it can also promote the flow of vital energy and blood to achieve smooth flow between the upper and lower body, balance yin-yang energies, expand the blood vessels and nourish the internal organs.
As such, we encourage regular foot reflexology treatment to achieve the best effects. Each of our foot reflexology therapists has undergone strict training, accumulated long-term experience, possesses matured techniques and can help you to raise your alertness and improve your sense of well-being.