Acupuncture points massage makes use of needles to carry out acupressure or massage on the specific acupuncture points, in order to achieve healthcare effects. You will greatly benefit from acupuncture points massage from treatment of illnesses, strengthening of physique to improvement of alertness and enhancement of sex drive.
In modern times, we lead busy and fast-paced lifestyles, resulting in the surfacing of many health issues. Long-term medical consultation and medication, on the contrary, do us no good but harm our health. As such, prevention is better than cure. Making use of traditional TCM acupuncture points healthcare massage can tackle the issues at their roots and allows the patient to feel immediate relief.
At Oriental Traditional Therapy, we have developed a series of acupuncture points massage prescriptions based on the functions of each acupuncture point of the human body and we formulate a healthcare plan based on the lifestyle habits of the patient. This enables him/her to eliminate hidden ailments and rediscover the joy of healthcare.